What we do

Assembly and service

“We choose quality that lasts. For customization that will last for years. We are only satisfied with a perfect result.”
Especially for you

It fits like a glove

Can you picture it? That one cupboard that fits exactly between two walls or the kitchen unit that is built around that beautiful, authentic window. Yes, the assembly is the moment where your ideas become reality. Now you can finaly see and feel it for real!

The interior builder who worked on the project in the workshop supervises the start of the assembly. He knows exactly how it has to be assembled and how it should look like.

You don't want to see a loose plinth or a crooked cupboard door. We are happy to solve this as soon as possible. A one-year warranty is standard with us. But we are also there for you afterwards.

We have a service contract to give all our products the aftercare they deserve. That way you are immediately assured of good periodic maintenance. And for urgent repairs or adjustments, our technicians are always there for you. That involvement commes with the package. Why? Because we are true interior enthusiasts.

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